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專長網頁設計(Web Design)、動畫設計、企業形象設計(CI設計)、視覺設計(UI設計)、品牌設以及室內外廣告,熟悉Photoshop、Corel Draw、 Illustrator、Indesign、After effects、Painter、Sublime Text、Animate、HTML5、CSS3、Jquery、Wordpress、Blocs、Sketch、Figma、,個人架設伺服器並且略懂資料庫邏輯,並於閒暇時間研習插畫2D繪圖,對於攝影有濃厚興趣,有產品攝影相關經驗,並且在空閒時間增加新知識及技能,未來目標是研習App製作,跨平台製作APP軟體,因為對於程式的興趣,在網頁技術以及未來APP技術上都能快速地理解並且轉化成可以使用的經驗,並且讓自己本身的技能朝著多元的方向前進。

由於在遊戲業界的關係,從而接觸了遊戲介面(Game UI)至使用者經驗(User Experience),進而累積經驗至網頁設計以及各項使用者經驗的原則,奠定了作為UI/UX設計師的基礎,接觸網路與設計這領域的時候,正好網路開始發展的時期,當時與同事共同組成了網頁設計連合國的網頁程式設計網站,因緣際會之下對於網站設計相當喜歡,在個人數位設計的經歷上,累積了新的心得和體驗。





我經歷過FC(任天堂)、SFC(超級任天堂)、SS(土星)、PS、PS2、PS3、PS4、PS5、XBOX、PC GAME,對於各類的遊戲有相當的了解,個人也抽空去接觸了3D MAX所以了解了基本的3D知識,至於程式設計的部分,也有去參加文化大學的PHP課程,雖不是個程式設計師,但對於遊戲與程式本身的企劃與邏輯,也都有基本的分析能力。由於在各種遊戲的經驗,讓美術出身的我也學到了企劃、邏輯觀念的思考。




I have been working since the age of 16 and have been working in the art field for 24 years. I have various experience in the field of art creativity, solving various problems, negotiating with foreign affairs or internal management, and I can quickly find solutions for things I don’t understand. Plan to make things go smoothly and achieve better results, because a good idea can only be improved by the exchange of various opinions. Individuals can make improvements to the quality of the work and the improvement of their own technology and creativity. Works that can be recognized by myself and the public.

Expertise in web design (Web Design), animation design, corporate image design (CI design), visual design (UI design), brand design and indoor and outdoor advertising, familiar with Photoshop, Corel Draw, Illustrator, Indesign, After effects, Painter, Sublime Text , Animate, HTML5, CSS3, Jquery, Wordpress, Blocs, Sketch, Figma, personally set up a server and have a little understanding of database logic, and study illustration 2D drawing in free time, have a strong interest in photography, have experience in product photography, And add new knowledge and skills in free time. The future goal is to study App production and make APP software across platforms. Because of the interest in the program, both web technology and future APP technology can be quickly understood and transformed into usable experience. And let your own skills move in a diversified direction.

Due to the relationship in the game industry, I have come into contact with the game interface (Game UI) to the user experience (User Experience), and then accumulate experience to the principles of web design and various user experience, laying the foundation as a UI/UX designer , When I came into contact with the field of Internet and design, it happened to be the time when the Internet began to develop. At that time, I co-formed the web programming website of the United Nations of Web Design with my colleagues. Because of fate, I liked website design very much. In personal digital design In terms of experience, new insights and experiences have been accumulated.

In addition to design, due to the needs of the environment, I improve my job attributes to the level of marketing and facing market customers, exhibition design and overall marketing design, whether it is writing copywriting or creating key words, etc., I am always there Try new ways, let yourself begin to think about the importance of design and planning, "people-oriented, design for customers as the requirements", pursue a new design method, take the customer's position as the thinking and design direction, as the design Base.

I believe that in the next 20 years, I will continue to work on design and develop design expertise in various fields. In traditional local companies, in addition to too many inherent restrictions on design work, the style and maturity of their behavior are also gradually falling behind foreign companies. I think I have excellent creativity, creativity, analysis and integration skills and ten years of various types of work experience. Therefore, I hope to join various fields and satisfy my desire to challenge myself in a more complete and mature culture.

About the game

In terms of games, red and white machines have become obsessed with playing games, and they have also begun to explore and research games. Because they like games, I have tried and researched almost all types of games, which also lays the foundation for the future. The basis of UI/UX part design, designing all kinds of games has its theory and foundation, which is interoperable between the needs of players and bosses.

I have experienced FC (Nintendo), SFC (Super Nintendo), SS (Saturn), PS, PS2, PS3, PS4, PS5, XBOX, PC GAME, I have a good understanding of various games, and I have taken the time to contact 3D MAX therefore understands the basic 3D knowledge. As for the programming part, I also participated in the PHP course of Cultural University. Although I am not a programmer, I also have basic analytical skills for the planning and logic of games and programs. . Thanks to my experience in various games, I also learned how to think about planning and logical concepts as an art background.

In recent years, I have spent a lot of thoughts on web design, because all kinds of entertainment have been added to the limited screens, such as FaceBook-type websites, you can find that the development of the Internet can make the relationship and connection between games and interactions become simpler.

Contacting and developing games because you like games, and coming back to be a simple player will make you feel better about the game. In addition to having fun playing games, you can also think about the design logic and story rationality of the game while playing. Make the design result reach the best degree.


印刷 ‧ 數位印刷、舉凡印刷紙材、知識,各類印刷稿件製作,CI設計規劃、幸運物設計、LINE圖像設計、人物設計。





UI/UX 設計



Painter,Office,Comic studio


Sublime text,javascrip,jquery




Sketch,Figma,Adobe XD



設計 Design


聯絡 Contact


徐裕庭 (窗口邊的貓)



Copyright © 2018 catmineko